Gada Bina Usaha-Indonesia can produce Elastomeric Bridge Bearings Pad and following international standards: Indonesia SNI 03-3967-2008 and America AASHTO M 251 04 BRIDGE / BEARINGS Elastomeric Bearings Pads are designed to transmit the load of the superstructure to the substructure, while allowing specific movements and rotation of the superstructure caused by wind or seismic effects, temperature variations, deck deflections, sinking of any of the supports, elastic shortening due to creep, shrinkage or prestressing, etc.
Please Fax, E-mail, or call for free technical assistance or quote.
Gada Bina Usaha
+6281 838 6648 / +6281233069330
Website : http :// www. perletakanelastomer. blogspot. com
Harga : Rp. 00
Dikirim oleh : Gada Bina Usaha
No Tlp : 081233069330
Propinsi : Jawa Timur
Kab/Kota : Malang
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Kode Iklan : 11441
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